Developing Scalable Enterprise Applications in The Internet Age: A Guide to Choosing Client/Server Tools

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Success in the 1990's Means Developing Enterprise Applications That Scale Across All Clients, Including The Web.

Your choice of enterprise client/server tools will have dramatic impact on how well your applications scale and accommodate the Web as a new client. Tools that were designed primarily for workgroup applications fail when deploying larger, more complex applications and may not even address the Web as a client.

If you're considering client/server tools for enterprise applications and the Webor for workgroup applications that may need to scale in the futuredon't make a move without first consulting Developing Scalable Enterprise Applications in the Internet Age: A Guide to Choosing Client/Server Tools.

All Eleven Tool Vendors Compared Across Ten Key Technology Requirements

Now you can turn to a single, concise source to quickly determine who should be on your short list for client/server tools evaluationDeveloping Scalable Enterprise Applications in the Internet Age: A Guide to Choosing Client/Server Tools.

You'll learn how tools from Oracle, Powersoft, Forte, Unify, Informix, Microsoft, Centura, Uniface, Progress, and JYACC compare across ten key technology requirements that include: Web Client Integration, Support for OLTP, Object-Oriented Technology, Application Partitioning, Application Management, Rapid Application Development, Database Connectivity, Team Development, and CASE Tool Integration

You can't find this much comparative analysis of client/server tools in any other single information source. Yet you can receive all this information free, if you call 1-800-214-5538 or by accessing the on-line version.

Choosing Client/Server Tools
Copyright 1995, 1996 Unify Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Revised: 14-Jul-1996
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